We might observe a
caterpillar will soon undergo metamorphosis and will turn into a beautiful
butterfly that fly so high. We, ourselves have gone through process of changes
from a small organism turning into a lovely baby and now. How much more now! We
are growing and renewing each day, changing to be a better person. In our
community today, constant changes is also evident. In the physical attractions,
buildings around are getting bigger. Cellular phones are getting smaller for
convenience. Population are getting larger and territories are getting occupied.
In the same way, different strategies and educational technologies are getting
upgraded in the field education for an interactive and realistic teaching and
learning process.
The evolution of computer is one of the great advancement
in any field of business, education and media. In this lesson, we will come to
the glimpse of how educational technology came into being and how computers were made and develop into a more convenient possession
a person could have. In the history of educational technology, it all started in the year 1920 when audio-visual media were accepted in the field of instruction. In the year 1926, educational films were available to supplement learning. Until in the year 1932, the first television program was aired at the State University of Iowa. Many schools then adapted the way of instruction with the use of various educational technologies.
With the rise of many educational technologies, computer was included. But before it came into being, it actually started in a small computational device which was the Abacus. With the Abacus, Blaise Pascal was inspired to make another device that can perform computations faster that abacus. With the influence of Abacus, he invented the calculator that could perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Another device was made which is called Punch Card Devise that was invented by Joseph Jacquard. From this influence, electronic computer was then made. From the birth of electronic computer, it evolve into smaller and more convenient device. At this present time, computers are still evolving and upgraded which can be use for many educational purposes.
From the evolution of computer, I have come realize that everything in the world is a constant change. Nothing will change except “change” itself. These changes brought positive and advantages to human beings. Yet, too much reliance to changes will bring destruction to humankind.
From the evolution of computer, I have come realize that everything in the world is a constant change. Nothing will change except “change” itself. These changes brought positive and advantages to human beings. Yet, too much reliance to changes will bring destruction to humankind.
As a future educator, adapting to changes will give us an edge on dealing with our future digital generation learners. With these technologies, it can help us in many things in the teaching-learning process. Aside that it can make our teaching career more updated and stress-free, we will be able to impart a lot of knowledge and facts through many sites made available in the Internet. Let us make the best of what educational technology can offer. As a teacher, all of the benefits we can get in technologies are in our hands. It is just UP TO US.
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