Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lesson 3. An Overview: Educational Technology 2

There is a new trend in teaching-learning process which is the integration of educational technology. For this reason, Educational Technology 1 has been introduced to future teachers so that they could cope with the trends of education. To suffice their knowledge and abilities in technology integration, the course Educational Technology 2 is offered as a continuation of Educational Technology 1.
                In this course, future teacher will go into deeper understanding of computer applications and would make them enhance their computer skills. The focus of this course is not only to mold computer-skilled individuals, but also to enhance teaching abilities through technology integration. The course does not only beneficial to teachers but also to administrators and school faculties to improve school management, instruction and curriculum.
                In many institution such as banks, we could really see how technology works for the smooth flow and management of the business. One example is the Land Bank. I went there two times just this month. There was this machine in which in extract a sheet of paper with number. It was actually your priory number. And above the teller, I could see a big screen where priority number flashes. By this, the person who own the number that the screen flashes will be the one who is to be entertained by the teller. In this way, there is a smooth flow inside the bank even there are many people. The computers and other technologies used by the teller will make them processed the request as fast as they could.
                SEE? That’s how technology works in many ways. In an educational institution, this could possibly happen. The organization of files perhaps will be executed. School documents will be secured. Integration of technology would offer smooth flow in the payment of school fees.  In a teacher-learner relationship, a teacher can monitor his students through educational apps and social sites. It would also provide excitement to students seeing how their works were corrected uniquely by their teachers through computer applications designed for educational purposes.
                Technology is within our reach. As much as possible, let this be used for a successful teaching and learning process. Since our students are already inclined and up-to-date with these things, let it be a tool in their learning and not a way that would tear them apart. 

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